Eddy Adams has over twenty-five years experience providing services to clients in the public, private and NGO sectors.
He has a particular expertise in:
- Urban regeneration and connecting cities
- Social innovation
- Employment and entrepreneurship
- Social cohesion
Eddy is comfortable working in a number of European languages and is widely recognised as expert facilitator and designer of effective processes which achieve results. The main services EAC provides are:
- Project management and support
- Facilitation and process consultancy
- Design and delivery of capacity building and leadership programmes
- Evaluation
- Writing, blogging and reporting
EAC provides services to a wide range of international clients, as well as having strategic links with a number of key organisations. These include:
- Thematic Pole Manager for URBACT (www.urbact.eu) with responsibility for Social Innovation and Human Capital
- Cities adviser to the Young Foundation
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts
- Member of the Global Social Innovation Exchange (SIX)
- Moderator of the European Commission’s Urban Development Network (UDN)
- Workstream lead for the Scottish Government
- Consultant for wide range of cities including Glasgow, Rotterdam and Berlin